Charts and books
C3 Isle of Wight
C4 Needles to Bill of Portland
C5 Bill of Portland to Salcombe Harbour
C6 Salcombe to Lizard Point
C7 Falmouth to Isles of Scilly & Newquay
C9 Beachy Head to Isle of Wight
C10 Western English Channel Passage Chart
Seaman's Guide to Basic Chart work
Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road 8th Ed.2009
Skipper's Cockpit Racing Guide
Reeds Channel Almanac 2015
The Practical Knot Pack
Admiralty Tide Tables Vol. 1 2014 NP201-14
G70 Yachtmaster Handbook
G94 RYA Yacht Sailing Techniques
G104 RYA Boat Maintenance Handbook
G81 RYA International Certificate of Competence
G13 RYA Powerboat Handbook
G43 RYA Sea Survival Handbook
G68 Introduction to Boat Handling For Sail and Power
G97 RYA Day Skipper for Motor Cruisers
G6 RYA Navigation Handbook